Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picking up Chicks

It was a day of reckoning. It was bad enough that I was bored out of my mind, but in a jiffy it was quiet as a mouse. Next thing I knew there was a yelp from out of nowhere. Without using a muscle, there was a girl in the river, without a care in the world, with only seconds to spare; I jumped in, dumb as a rock not thinking that it was water. I was scared of water and never learned to swim but this girl had something on me. I believe it was love at first sight. To cut to the chase, I learn to swim fast. I was able to get her to shore, and when I looked down to whom it was her beauty stop me in my tracks. She was hotter then megan fox. She was like a Jessica Alba and Megan Fox put together. she look up at me and said "you saved my life." I murmered to myself "it's all right," i introduced myself and i ask one question. "do you belive, love at first sight"