Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Your Pants Hang Low?

There has been a problem in the retail department for such a very long time. A problem that they been having since the start of the 21st century. It’s not the t-shirts or shoes but it’s…..

I was walking down a street and to what do I see, my mind was wondering, why are they so large? It’s a disgrace to the human body and to all that is around; you wonder why they would do such a thing with everyone around. I was unsure, so I just walked up and demand to why such a thing. He just looked at me with a dumb face on, when he told me to go f*** right off. To my surprise I wasn’t that mad, just a little disappointed that he still looks bad. I question why they do all this, maybe just to get some attention but that not what I see. I see a little man in big leggings. They walk around with a stick up there @** but really they need a reconstructive surgery on the style they are wearing.

I’m finally done my walk and to what do I see, my TV was wondering, why is this boy on me. I swear that’s the boy I tried to meet, the boy that I saw on the street. I wonder why he was on such a thing, the 5 o’clock news and still going. He just looks so helpless with out his face on, and he told them to turn that right off. They said he tripped and fell over the bridge, were now he is hanging till the help is coming.

I see a little man in big leggings. To my surprise those large things did something. I’ve change my mind on these unstylish thing. They save lives and, they kind of look good. The 21st century has created the best thing around. The problem with the retail department for a very long time, is funny because these baggy pant… that everyone hates has a special power of healing.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Disease Killing Your Children

Cardiac arrest, Stroke, and all sorts of cancer, these are all ways of human beings dying. But have you ever thought that these examples are less harmful to your children than you think? From an article by Dr. Leonard Sax Called “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls” in Macleans magazine explains three main points, the anxiety in young women, and female’s expressing there feelings with negative effect.

The female’s Anxiety level is beyond the males. He tells us when he sits down and talks to them, there usual response are “[That] she’s waking up at two in the morning upset about the pizza she ate for supper, and thinks she’s fat even though she’s not.” The anxiety levels from these girls are ruining their lives by always thinking what they look like and what people think of them. Young women in there teens shouldn’t be worrying about what the outside looks like, but what the inside feels like doing.

All of these anxious women should be able to what they want, and not what others think or want them to do. Hiding these feeling up inside for so long and not being themselves will cause negative things on them. “55% of university students being treated for alcohol abuse are females.” Drinking, for many is a way to let lose, be themselves, and many of the women that abuse liquor to express there inner personality.

Anxiety and Binge drinking are more common to your teens that many other dangerous problem. For women to be so anxious on every little thing are leading to many problems of teens abusing alcohol. So if you believe your son or daughter will die from an accident or from a heart condition your wrong.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

True Patriot Love.... And Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter? she is a regular women on the outside but the inside is a tangle mess of thoughts and believes that says what she wants.

Who is she?

Ann Coulter a right wing conservative, blonde with Hazel eyes that has a mouth of a donkey. she has come from America to Canada on a road of speeches. Coulter has manipulated the Freedom of Speech and the right to be in our country. Her vulgar language has up raised the people of Canada. she was advise not to say anything profanatory, but she still goes to her speeches; preaching that Muslims should be converted to Christianity, and "they should ride a magic carpet instead of flying."

As of the first step on Canadian soil, crossing over the Canadian border she has the same right as any other Canadian. The right of Freedom of Speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and or limitation. The right to freedom of speech is not without limit in any country and the right is usually subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech." Therefore spreading her hate speeches to Canadians she doesn't deserve to be in a country with true patriot love.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picking up Chicks

It was a day of reckoning. It was bad enough that I was bored out of my mind, but in a jiffy it was quiet as a mouse. Next thing I knew there was a yelp from out of nowhere. Without using a muscle, there was a girl in the river, without a care in the world, with only seconds to spare; I jumped in, dumb as a rock not thinking that it was water. I was scared of water and never learned to swim but this girl had something on me. I believe it was love at first sight. To cut to the chase, I learn to swim fast. I was able to get her to shore, and when I looked down to whom it was her beauty stop me in my tracks. She was hotter then megan fox. She was like a Jessica Alba and Megan Fox put together. she look up at me and said "you saved my life." I murmered to myself "it's all right," i introduced myself and i ask one question. "do you belive, love at first sight"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Super Powers

One day while walking down the dark streets of Penticton, Joel Black he gets struck by lightning falling into radio active biochemical waste, while getting bit by a radio active peanut butter Skippy squirrel. Waking up to a glee of light he realizes that he felt different then he did the day before yesterday. While walking home he had another sense of hearing. He could hear "oh no, no peanut butter." Soon he realized that he had to do what this Skippy squirrel wanted him to do, to help the city with there problems of not being able to make a pp&j sandwich because of no peanut butter. Realizing that he had peanut butter on demanded he new he could help a giant group of people. This power of his will be known to all super heroes as the best power, better then any others. This power can use to disarm bandits, save humans of there pain and even make a good trap. Known as the sticky icky superman, getting this name by not being able to hit the target he will soon be able to take the world on.